HMS Bounty Model (Click thumbnail photos to enlarge)
HMS Bounty Model
The Bounty was an armed merchant vessel with a crew supplied by the Navy. She was armed with twenty-four eighteen-pounders. In December 1787, Bounty left Split-head bound for the company’s islands with a cargo of breadfruit trees. There was considerable animosity between the Commander, William Bligh, and the Second Mate, Christian Fletcher. But they reached Tahiti and stayed there for five months. When it was time to leave, some of the crew, led by Fletcher, mutinied. They put Bligh and eighteen men in the lifeboat with provisions and water and abandoned them. After some exceptionally skillful navigation, Bligh reached the island of Timor. Some of the mutineers returned to Tahiti, while others went on to the island of Pitcairn. The men on Tahiti were captured, and three of them were condemned to death.
Dimensions (L x W x H): 28.5" x 8.0" x 22.5"
Item # CM-021